Angel by Laura Lee, Book Review

Book Summary: (Per Amazon's summary)
Since the loss of his lively, charming wife to cancer six years ago, minister Paul Tobit has been operating on autopilot, performing his religious duties by rote. Everything changes the day he enters the church lobby and encounters a radiant, luminous being lit from behind, breathtakingly beautiful and glowing with life. An angel. For a moment Paul is so moved by his vision that he is tempted to fall on his knees and pray. 

Even after he regains his focus and realizes he simply met a flesh-and-blood young man, Paul cannot shake his sense of awe and wonder. He feels an instant and overwhelming attraction for the young man, which puzzles him even as it fills his thoughts and fires his feelings. Paul has no doubt that God has spoken to him through this vision, and Paul must determine what God is calling him to do. 

Thus begins a journey that will inspire Paul's ministry but put him at odds with his church as he is forced to examine his deeply held beliefs and assumptions about himself, his community, and the nature of love.

My Thoughts:
Audio format;
      I wasn't sure what to think when I first started this review.  I had never listened to a book before.  It was my first time using audible and I had a hard time getting into the gist of listening rather than reading.  I am a quick reader so it was a shock to me to see that this book would be taking me longer to experience than normally (hello over six hours).

The book itself upon reflection is an excellent literary work. However, I would recommend it be read rather than listened to.  The voices reflecting the characters, mainly Paul's, did not keep me engaged.  The voice for Ian did a better job showing the different emotions and keeping my attention captured, but since Paul's voice was the dominant voice I did struggle to focus on the true excellence that Laura demonstrates with her mastery of words and story telling.  I did listen to two more books after this book and review to ensure that it was not just me not liking this media format, but that I did in fact have a problem with the voice for this philosophical approach to an oft discussed topic of homosexuality and romance in religion.

The Story:
     The amount of theology and poetry before each chapter and woven throughout the story is perfectly placed and what I enjoyed most about this story.  In the audio format I did get lost in the poetry about Mt. Rainer, but after I rewound it and listened again I enjoyed this artistic view of nature. I did not feel I was reading a religion book or a romance, rather I felt this was an interesting take on how relationships can be seen and felt with society's take and the differing religious stances.

"Faith its like listen to whatever I say and don't question it...I don't like it"~ Ian

"Men are selfish shits..that what I say."~Ian

"I mean isn't canabalism a bad thing?"~Ian

"We just went from gay sex to the bible in thirty seconds, that has to be some kind of record." "Do you think we can get in Guiness."

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